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Calendar Entry Submission Form

By completing this form, you give Thrivent permission to use your entry without compensation. Because of the large volume of entries we receive, we'll contact you only if your entry is chosen to be in the 2025 calendar. Deadline for submission is June 30, 2024.

View image requirements
Protecting the privacy of your data is a responsibility we take seriously. To learn more about the privacy of your information, visit our Notice at Collection for California Consumers or our Privacy Policy.
All fields required.
Thank You for Submitting Your Entry. You Made Our Day! We'll be contacting you if we choose your entry to be included in the 2025 Thrivent calendar.
Your request couldn't be completed at this time.
*Are you a Thrivent client?
View image requirements at the bottom of this page.

Please review the Calendar Photograph Exclusive License Agreement.
*I verify that I have carefully read and hereby agree to and grant the Calendar Photograph Exclusive License Agreement.
In particular, but without limitation, I confirm the following:
*People are recognizable in my photo, but I have permission from each person to submit the photo, and if my photo is selected I will assist Thrivent in obtaining each person's written permission for use of their likeness.
*If any minor is recognizable in the photo, I am their parent or legal guardian, and if my photo is selected, I will provide a separate signed agreement permitting use of their likeness.
*I certify that the entry I am submitting is my original work and I have all necessary rights to submit it through this process.

Image requirements

  • Photos must be in color; black/white, sepia or other monotone photos will not be accepted. Images with vivid colors will produce the best results.
  • We only accept images with a .JPG extension.
  • Photos must be shot with at least a six megapixel camera. When taking digital images, set your camera at the highest possible resolution.
  • Files must be 3MB or larger.
  • When scanning in photographs or original artwork, please use a resolution of 300 dpi or higher.
  • Do not crop the image.
  • Please try to use the best-quality image possible. If your image is below the minimum resolution/size requirements, do not simply increase the size in your editing software. You must either rescan the image or use the higher-quality it deserves.
  • If we select your photo, we may request a high resolution file so that it can be resized to fit on the calendar pages and maintain the image quality it deserves.

Your photo must not:

  • Have watermarks (copyrights, names or other text overlays).
  • Have digital camera time/date stamps.
  • Have a decorative border.