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Finding fulfillment through music and money management

Thrivent client Austin Shariff
Thrivent client Austin Shariff

Music has been a part of 23-year-old Austin’s Shariff’s life for as long as he can remember. He began singing in a choir and performing in talent shows around age six and has continued to share his faith through song ever since.

As a young adult, Austin dreamed of turning his hobby into a career, but making the leap after graduating college wasn’t easy. “There were many, many obstacles,” Austin says. “I didn’t know when the next gig would be. I didn’t know when the next project would come about.”

So how did Austin go from being in debt and having an unreliable income to living his dream as a full-time musician with no debt and newfound financial confidence? As Austin puts it, “I wouldn’t have known how to start or where to start." So he connected with Thrivent.

Recognizing the need for a plan

Growing up, Austin wasn’t taught much about money, and it was rarely discussed by his family and friends. Since he knew so little about finances, he remembers feeling overwhelmed by the seemingly taboo topic as he entered adulthood.

“After graduating college, I had a lot more resources in front of me and I needed to quickly decide how responsible I was going to be in managing them,” Austin recalls. By recognizing the importance of making intentional choices and connecting with a Thrivent financial advisor, Austin has been able to effectively manage his money and draw up a solid plan for the future.

Getting out of debt

As the director of Modern Worship Arts at his church, a member of the band st. chuck and a dedicated fiancé to the woman of his dreams, Austin is loving life. But things weren’t always so simple and carefree.

“With music, there’s a long list of uncertainties,” says Austin. That’s part of the reason he’s glad he tackled his debt right after college. Thrivent helped Austin develop a plan for getting out of debt, and he followed it.

Some of the changes Austin instituted were small, but they made a big impact. “I could cook dinner at home versus going out to my favorite restaurant,” Austin says, “Or I could sit at home and listen to my favorite musician versus paying for that expensive concert ticket.” It was tough to say no to certain things, but Austin believes the broader goals he had set for himself enabled him to stick to his plan.

Now that he’s paid off his loans, Austin has a greater sense of freedom. “It feels very awesome to know that I don't have anything holding me back,” he shares. Because when it comes to singing, “This work fills my cup every single day that I get to do it. It leaves me feeling rejuvenated and fulfilled every single day that I live.”

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Video Companion
Spreading Joy | Follow Your Heart | Austin’s Story

Embracing the unknown

Like many young people, Austin’s life plans are fluid. He recognizes his full-time music career probably won’t last forever and will likely become a side gig at some point, and that’s OK. “Thrivent has allowed me to have a lot more confidence as I go about figuring out what music is for me. It could be a journey that’s short after college, but having resources and education around me has helped a lot,” says Austin.

And while none of us know what the future holds, that hasn’t stopped Austin from creating a flexible path forward. “I would love to start a family of my own one day,” shares Austin. “Working on my finances has really helped me make the most of this stage of my life while preparing for the next one.”

Helping others thrive

Gaining financial clarity and confidence at a young age has inspired Austin to educate others about how they can do the same. He encourages his friends to seek financial guidance, ask questions and plan ahead. “I've had a lot of awesome opportunities to learn about how to manage my resources. And I couldn't keep that secret to myself,” Austin shares.

Austin also has been able to help one of his bandmates as she tries to figure out what the musical lifestyle will look like for her. He understands the challenges she and other performers face when it comes to handling an income that can change from week to week, and he’s happy to share his insights. “Money doesn't have to be scary,” Austin notes. “It can actually be really exciting.”


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If you want to learn more about how Thrivent can help you follow your heart by aligning your finances with your goals and values, explore the benefits of membership and apply to become a member.

Thrivent’s unique membership programs help eligible clients, like Austin:

  • Gain greater financial clarity, thanks to a variety of valuable tools and resources.
  • Spread the joy of generosity where they live, work and worship through volunteering and monetary giving opportunities.
  • Provide care and comfort to loved ones during difficult times with step-by-step guides and resources.
The client’s experience may not be the same as other clients and does not indicate future performance or success.

Member benefits and programs are not guaranteed contractual benefits. The interpretation of the provisions of these benefits and programs is at the sole discretion of Thrivent. Membership benefits are reviewed and evaluated regularly. Thrivent reserves the right to change, modify, discontinue, or refuse to provide any of the membership benefits or any part of them, at any time.

You should never purchase or keep insurance or annuity products to be eligible for nonguaranteed membership benefits. You should only purchase and keep insurance and annuity products that best meet the financial security needs of you and your family. Consider the cost, features, and benefits of specific insurance and/or annuity products.
