Investing is always a balancing act, where you work to find the right formula for your financial goals, risk tolerance and time horizon. Add high inflation to the mix, and it's understandable if that delicate equation gets thrown off balance.
Inflation has been higher than normal lately. In 2022,
Still, there's reason to remain optimistic. You can control elements of investing, including the types of assets you put your money behind. Let's explore how inflation affects certain assets and how that could impact your investment decisions.
How does inflation affect different investments?
In the long run, low-to-moderate inflation can be a natural part of the economy, and the prices of investment assets can rise along with goods and services. But in an environment of high inflation, some assets feel the impact more readily.
Inflation & stocks
For example, companies with high levels of debt may be worse off during inflation because higher borrowing costs can reduce their bottom-line profit. Businesses with stronger cash-flow situations can sometimes fare better during inflation. Because of this,
In the first half of 2022, the stock market, as measured by the S&P 500 index, fell by more than 20%. This officially made it a
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How does inflation affect stocks?
Inflation & bonds
Because higher interest rates generally accompany higher inflation, an inflationary environment can have a negative effect on fixed-income securities, such as
Some bonds and bond funds are affected more than others during periods of
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Bonds & inflation: What you need to know
Inflation and TIPS
Inflation and real estate
Inflation affects
Income-generating residential and industrial real estate sectors tend to do well during inflation. Growth in these areas can outpace inflation because of growing demand and rent increases.

Inflation hedges
Why are people with savings hurt by inflation?
Your first thought might be to keep your money in cash to sidestep investment losses during times of high inflation. But savings accounts also can take a hit during inflationary times. People with low-interest savings accounts,
Plus, higher inflation may mean you're not able to put as much money into savings or that you need to draw from your savings accounts to keep up with the rising costs of goods and services.
How to protect your investments against inflation
One way to approach
You also may reduce exposure to other investments, such as growth stocks and long-term bonds, which typically don't perform well during periods of high inflation.
To summarize, consider these examples of potential inflation hedges:
- Real estate
- Value stocks
- Commodities
- Series I bonds
And aim to lighten these investments during high inflation:
- Growth stocks
- Long-term bonds
Keep your investments on track during inflation
Inflation is part of any economy, but periods of particularly high inflation are a good opportunity to rethink how you're diversifying your portfolio and how to strengthen your household finances.
A trusted financial professional can help you feel more confident about your decisions during uncertain times. They can review how inflation may affect your investments and help you tweak your financial strategy accordingly. With the help of a local