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What's your favorite way to use your financial resources to serve your local church or community?

We asked. Our clients answered.

Our finances allow us to “stockpile materials.” We enjoy spending money only when getting steep discounts. We also enjoy building church projects. For $4,000 in materials, we and other members built a $30,000 walk-in cooler for our church’s food bank by having first stockpiled deeply discounted items from “big box” stores.
Art and Edna Brockschmidt, Renton, Washington

For one period in my career, when I would receive a yearly 3% salary increase, we shifted one third of that to giving. During another period, we increased our total giving percentage by 1% each year until it was where we wanted it (about 20%).
John Sherwood, Greenville, South Carolina

I take a small amount out of my IRA to help balance the church’s budget.
Grace Peterson, Toledo, Ohio

We use a Thrivent Action Team for our church’s Vacation Bible School. A small group of us restarted VBS in our church and community six years ago. We are a relatively small church and each year we cap our VBS to 60 kids! How wonderful to see this each summer!
Crystal DeVore, Steele, North Dakota

My husband and I give our IRA charitable distribution to the church each year to help pay down the church mortgage.
B. Rennie, Califon, New Jersey

gold line

Editor’s note: In this section in our Winter 2023 issue, we shared a cost savings recommendation around purchasing stamps. Buying stamps from a source not affiliated with the USPS could result in a counterfeit product. Please always be diligent and seek reputable sources when making any type of online purchase.

Question for the next issue:
What's your best tip to travel on a budget?

Tell us in 50 words or fewer by email at
