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Thrivent’s Corporate Archives hold the key to the past

Lauren Gaines, Thrivent's corporate historian and archives manager
Image Studios

How much do you know about Thrivent’s history? For example, did you know:

  • Thrivent was founded in 1902 to serve German Lutheran immigrants in the Upper Midwest.
  • During World War II, 623 members of Aid Association for Lutherans died in service.
  • Lutheran Brotherhood was originally named Luther Union.

Thrivent’s Corporate Archives preserve all of these stories and more, holding the history of Thrivent’s decisions and reputation throughout its 122-year history. The archives prove we are who we say we are, providing evidence of Thrivent keeping our promises to past, present and future clients. The collection contains the history of our two founding organizations (Aid Association for Lutherans and Lutheran Brotherhood), Thrivent and our subsidiaries.

The archives enable access to, and analysis of, historical information so that Thrivent clients and employees can use historical content, resolve conflicts and provide background for current projects and initiatives. The collection helps demonstrate the organization’s longevity and stability and showcases the unique products and benefits we have offered our members.

Originally founded at AAL in the 1970s, the archives have everything from AAL’s original charter and 16th-century Bibles to Lutheran Brotherhood branch scrapbooks.

Lauren Gaines is Thrivent’s corporate historian and archives manager.

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From the archives
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