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What's your best tip to travel on a budget?

We asked, our clients answered

Know your budget. Pay ahead for tours/lodging when possible. Research destinations online for deals. Make a “To Do” list before, including items like setting up mail hold and light timers. Write a packing list, including a phone charger. Make note of local weather and attractions. And remember that getting there really is half the fun.
Dawna Mowers, San Diego, California

Check out church camps as a housing option for your vacation. They are affordable, safe and typically have all kinds of fun activities! Do an internet search in the state you’re looking to visit or visit to find a camp. Bonus: you’re supporting a ministry!
Allison Antoine, Milford, Iowa

I search diligently for hotels that include a free breakfast and are within walking distance of what I want to do at my destination. If they're too pricey or unavailable, then I look for ones with free parking and cheap meal options nearby. All those savings add up!
Colton Rohde, Madison, Wisconsin

Hotels are expensive when traveling. Visit the Tourist Bureau or Chamber of Commerce and inquire about bed and breakfasts that they would recommend. Often you get a good deal on a good night's sleep, healthy breakfast and information about the surrounding area.
J. Miller, Golden Valley, Minnesota

Question for the next issue:
How do you prioritize your finances when you have multiple needs or goals?

Tell us in 50 words or fewer by email at
