It’s been 10 years since Thrivent clients helped kick off a program enabling them to make a difference locally and around the world. In the program’s first year, clients led about 25,000
Over the decade, interest and participation steadily grew, reaching a record of more than 157,000 Thrivent Action Teams held in 2023 alone. To date, clients have led more than 1.2 million projects, engaging more than 16 million volunteers and raising more than $1.9 billion to support causes they care about.
To celebrate the milestone, Thrivent recognized 10 clients doing incredible work through Thrivent Action Teams. They were selected from hundreds nominated by financial advisors, engagement leaders and Thrivent team members. Thrivent then made a surprise donation to the causes they care about, based on the meaningful impact they’ve made in their communities through the program and the close connection these causes have to Thrivent’s purpose and values.
Keep reading to learn more about these inspiring clients.

Ivan and Lori Bost
Ivan and Lori Bost, who lead the Holy Smokers, an outreach group at their congregation, Grace Celebration Lutheran Church, are making a difference one BBQ plate at a time. The two began their ministry by feeding collegiate football players from the University of Memphis, providing mentorship, prayer, and encouragement both in players’ on-field and in-life endeavors. After continual prayer, heavy guidance from the Lord, and a generous donation of a BBQ smoker to the church, their ministry expanded into what is now the Holy Smokers. The operation has grown, serving local high school athletes, church members, and others locally in need. The desire is to serve others through BBQ and preaching the Gospel. “The food is just a hook,” says Ivan. “Because with the food, we have the opportunity to feed their soul, to feed their spirit, to ask those important questions” regarding faith and Jesus Christ.

Adelle and Allen Duhon
Adelle Duhon grew up in a family that was rich in love but financially poor, and she knows what it's like to go to school without basic supplies. So when she and her husband, Allen, noticed families in their church and community struggling to keep up with the rising price of school supplies, they decided to do something about it. They started an annual school supply giveaway that has grown every year—with a record 485 backpacks full of supplies given out at this year’s event. The giveaway, which is one of Adelle and Allen’s annual Thrivent Action Teams, has had a significant impact on the community, with everyone from single mothers to dual-income households expressing their gratitude for the help. “It’s bigger than us,” said Allen. “God only allows us to be blessed so that we can impact others.”

Sonia and Skip DuPree
In 20210, Skip and Sonia DuPree noticed that their middle school-age daughter and her friends were facing pressure from the media and their peers. They wanted to offer a positive alternative, a place where teens could learn, create, and grow in a safe and supportive environment. So they founded E.N.D. It (Everybody’s Not Doing It), a nonprofit that combines academic, artistic and preventive education, using theater as a tool to address social issues and empower teens to make good choices. Using Thrivent Action Teams to support their events over the years, E.N.D. It has grown from a small group of teens to a thriving community of hundreds of students. The group uses acting to address topics such as human trafficking, bullying, and abstinence, but Sonia and Skip stress that it’s bigger than theater. “We always teach them that off your off-stage character is the most important thing, more important than your on-stage character,” says Sonia.

Brooke Fleming
Brooke Fleming knows what it’s like to experience uncertainty and struggle during pregnancy. She spent months on bedrest and more than a week in the NICU when she delivered her twins, Ella and Emilee, now 12. But Brooke also knows the value of a strong support system—like the family and friends who were there for her during that time. With her personal experience as a guide, Brooke and her friend Maria co-founded Hearts 2 Hope, a nonprofit that provides gift bags to women on bedrest and families in the NICU. The gift bags—assembled with the support of Thrivent Action Teams—include journals, pens, activity books, lotion, dry shampoo, and hand-sewn comfort hearts that carry the mother’s scent to the baby. Brooke and her team deliver the gift bags to local hospitals around Mother's Day and Christmas, spreading a dose of love and hope to those who need it most.

Forget-Me-Knot Quilters
The Forget-Me-Knot Quilters have been pinning, tying and sewing quilts for nearly 80 years for people in need locally and around the world. While the participants have changed through the decades, their purpose to stitch together warmth and love has remained constant. Using mostly donated fabrics and batting funded through Thrivent Action Teams, about 10 women gather twice monthly at Bethel Lutheran Church to create more than 540 quilts annually. “It's just a joy to see what scraps can be put together to make the finished quilt,” says quilter Cindy Baur. “It's wonderful.” A majority of the quilts are delivered to Lutheran World Relief for distribution to those facing disasters or poverty. The quilters cite the social aspect of their work, as well as the joy of making a difference. They want to inspire the next generation of quilters, passing on their skills and passion for serving others.

Joe and Terri Heyrman
Joe and Terri Heyrman cultivate the spirit of giving as they spruce up their small Wisconsin community one project at a time with the help of Thrivent Action Teams. At the start of each year, they brainstorm ideas for town improvements, then organize brat fries that engage the community in raising money. From refurbishing a local playground and refreshing a veteran’s memorial to helping fund community events like fireworks and a kids’ fishing tournament, when the Heyrmans see a need, they find a solution. With three lakes in their area, the couple, who have become known as the “kayak people,” raised funds to purchase six kayaks for free public use. They’ve been so popular that people have left life preservers, mosquito spray and suntan lotion behind for others to use, too. “We have a very generous community for donating time and money,” Terri says.

Hugo and Claudia Huesca
For 17 years, Hugo and Claudia Huesca have been planting seeds of faith and generosity near and far. They have traveled to several states to help establish new churches and serve the spiritual and practical needs of communities. And closer to home, alongside their children—Susie, Hugo Jr. and Angel—they’ve used Thrivent Action Teams to organize events such as breakfasts, school supply distributions, and outreach to people experiencing homelessness in their city. Their signature event is an annual women's retreat that draws attendees from across multiple states. They’ve seen firsthand how the retreat can be a blessing to attendees who come with their personal challenges and walk away with spiritual direction and restoration. Hugo and Claudia were early adopters of Spanish-language Thrivent Action Teams, and they wear their "Vive Generosamente" T-shirts with pride, inspiring others to live generously.
Desde hace 17 años, Hugo y Claudia Huesca han plantado semillas de fe y generosidad, cerca y lejos. Han viajado a varios estados para ayudar a establecer nuevas iglesias y atender las necesidades tanto espirituales como prácticas de las comunidades. Y en su propia ciudad, junto a sus hijos, Susie, Hugo y Angel han utilizado los Equipos de acción de Thrivent para organizar eventos como desayunos, distribución de útiles escolares y actividades para ayudar a las personas sin hogar. Su evento distintivo es un retiro anual de mujeres que atrae a asistentes de varios estados. Han visto de primera mano cómo el retiro puede ser una bendición para las asistentes que llegan con desafíos personales y se van con dirección espiritual y un sentido de restauración. Hugo y Claudia fueron los primeros en adoptar los Equipos de acción de Thrivent en español y usan sus camisetas "Vive Generosamente" con orgullo y para inspirar a los demás.

Whitney Scarborough
After moving to a new town with her family, Whitney found herself searching for a place to connect with other women. Despite her efforts, she kept coming up empty. Alongside a few like-minded women, they put an ad for a Bible study in a local newspaper. The response—from 47 women—amazed her and planted the seed for what would eventually become Woven, a women’s ministry. Today, Woven serves women from all over the country through Bible studies, annual retreats and other offerings. Thrivent Action Teams help Whitney provide arts and crafts at the retreats, which she said have become a favorite part of the weekend. “The weekend feels kind of like this little taste of heaven,” said Whitney. “As we come together to worship God, we are focusing our eyes on Him as opposed to looking at all the things that can cause us to be divided in the body.”

Jill Schwiderski
Jill Schwiderski’s original vision for St. Paul’s Closet in 2015 was a small closet with jackets, hats and gloves, especially for children waiting at the bus stops. Today, it takes three Sunday school rooms at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Hector to hold the seasonal clothing and footwear, bedding and household items that help people throughout Renville County. Donations of new and like-new items and financial gifts help meet specific needs. Jill collaborates with area organizations to reach more people and share resources. She uses her Thrivent Action Teams to collect and buy new items such as work boots, shoes, jackets, socks, towels and baby kits. She meets with families to give them a personalized shopping experience, hear their stories, and offer hope and comfort. “To give a man work boots is life changing,” Jill says. “Without work boots they cannot start their new job that would enable them to support their family. They are extremely grateful and thank me repeatedly.”

Aisha Taylor
After hitting rock bottom financially herself, Aisha Taylor, a single mother of twins, has made it her mission to teach single moms about finances. But it's not just about budgeting; it’s also about self-worth, value and faith, lessons she learned on her personal journey. Aisha is a book author who also has a personal finance blog. She uses Thrivent Action Teams to host events with local organizations to meet single moms where they are at, teaching them about money and the emotional components of spending. She also provides women with real-life tips, access to local resources and help in building support systems. “My goal is when these women leave these workshops, not only do they get the tools that they need to manage their money better, but I want them to realize that there's worth and value in their lives, because there are so many narratives out there that claim otherwise,” Aisha says.