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Business Continuity

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and select affiliates, including Thrivent Investment Management Inc. and Thrivent Distributors, LLC, (“Thrivent”), are committed to ensuring ongoing operations, protecting its business, and minimizing loss to its clients in the event of a business interruption. The timing and impact of disruptions are unpredictable and will require Thrivent to respond to adverse events as they occur.

Thrivent has established a Business Continuity Management Program which provides guidelines for business continuity plan development, maintenance, assessment, and exercising. Thrivent’s Business Continuity Planning (BCP) Program is intended to ensure the resumption of time sensitive business operations in the event of a business interruption.

Thrivent’s program begins with each business area reviewing its business processes to determine their criticality based upon their potential client, financial, operational, regulatory or brand impact to the business. Business areas then develop strategies to minimize impact to their processes. Thrivent’s business continuity plan strategies provide information on continuity of operations during a variety of interruptions including Loss of Work Location, Loss of Resources, Loss of People, and Loss of Third-Party Services. Business continuity plans are updated, distributed, and reviewed by area plan management annually. These reviews ensure that Thrivent is taking into consideration any plan modifications necessary to account for changes to operations.

Thrivent also has technical plans and strategies in place to ensure critical applications and infrastructure recovery can be achieved. Critical data and systems are identified, and recovery strategies are developed. Recovery exercises are conducted to validate system functionality.

In addition, Thrivent has a plan in place to maintain effective communications with its employees, clients, and regulators during a business interruption.

If you have any questions about our Business Continuity Management Program, you can contact us at 800-847-4836 or email us at

Revision Date: June 14, 2024